How To Make A Community Service Sheet What's The Point Of Requiring PE And Community Service To Graduate?

What's the point of requiring PE and community service to graduate? - how to make a community service sheet

I dance every day, 3 hours and 6 hours on weekends and PE ******* is the only class that made me constantly of the highest honors. Just kidding. It shows me absolutely nothing. And in my community, not a service is needed, ranging from full, medium, starting with no children and huge houses. Basically, everyone is just going to do to protect animals 2 hours and nothing and then he wrote on the streets 30 hours of voluntary work.


Bob said...

@ Maliboo_girl ...

There is no one who needs help to. The service "community" offers our school is like a lame mascot for a game, clothes, because nobody wants to sit in a chair and read magazines in the shelter. And no, I did volunteer work, if our town is 5,000 people.

PE gives you absolutely nothing, because you know what? Nobody wants to get the class to work together. "It mainly consists of 5 girls, until the bell for lunch and 21 children screaming at each other. Like I said, I know how to dance hard and stay healthy.

You really need to look one and realize that this is not the sixties, people do not have the "community" care more, especially students who want to leave this hole in 2 years anyway. Not a smart ***, there are approximately 400 children throughout the city. There are a lot of "value" is not to "help" people who really DONTHelp ed.

Since PE is not ballet, duh. Just kidding. A waste of time. No one will decide to pursue a career and go into the world should be forced to kick a ball in the gym as a student in primary school. Obviously you know nothing about ballet, because "the game" and kind to others is the primary route fail. He cut his throat, if you will treat others with respect, they spend anything to get the role.

These ideas are so outdated and simplistic, it is almost comical. You must learn to keep up with the times and to drop the ignorant ideas.

Good luck.

maliboo_... said...

Gee, you need community service more than other children, his attitude! First, I do not care where you live, there are people who need help at need. You do not have to do community service in their community, and may have opportunities that are available in your area. (My son goes to private school in an affluent neighborhood, and a church near his school for my son and his friends, through donations and food packing lunches that the church remove a refuge for the homeless quarter of a mile.)

PE gives you (depending on how you do your school) to deal with other cooperative learning to learn about the physical health and wellness, such as stress, allowing you to relieve stress during the school day of learning activities, which are applicable when From the school can stay healthy, etc.

Community Service find out, for what he has to be grateful to help others, helps us too. To show what the community and there is more that you do not see in your community. (And if your communityis full of people without children, why their existence) is good for the soul. Get off your ass and worth something.

If you are a great dancer, why did you (so extremely low as it seems) to the European Parliament? That seems pretty ridiculous. I could not play nice to the physical education, what do you ask? I hope that you are not planning a career as a dancer, because the game is a big part of finding a job.

So, when you are done complaining, really think about it. Do what you have to do in Parliament in order to get good grades in order to receive the highest accolades. Who gets hurt by the game not the gym? Thus, real-world learning. Search for a place to volunteer where it will really help others.

Good luck!

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